She also has a blog called "Living in Scandinavia" that gives folks like myself who don't travel much a pictoral and descriptive tour of Denmark and surrounding area, including Germany and Paris and that's just in the last couple of months. She and her family have a Bed and Breakfast business and are located in an area with many beautiful scenes. Thanks Sarah Sofia for finding me! and sharing your life, your stories, and your hopes with us. Thank you for your friendship.
I also want to give the award "I love this blog" to my friend Tom. He has been a faithful reader of my blog and has been very supportive. What I love about "What's Going On Here Today" are the posts about local events...especially the music events, even tho, no matter how hard I try, I can't get him to feature ME...the REAL star!!!! Tom and his wife, Miss Priss travel often and they, too, share their trips with Tom's readers. They are delightful folks and good friends.
Check these blogs out, think you will enjoy them and tell 'em Sharon sent you!
Sharon, Thanks for the kind comments on my blog and for the award. It's probably the only award my blog will ever receive, but Ill display it proudly.
P.S. One night when we have the camera with us we'll talk you into doing "Ole Slewfoot" and I'll make sure to post it.:-)
Thanks Sharon for the award and your dear words! they really mean a lot and I also would like to thank you for both your understanding and friendship. Well as far as finding you is concerned... you probably have to thank Brad for it. He kind of took me to you, when both of our blogs were more or less brand new. I think he commented on your blog, that he liked the peace signs on the trees...
So things sometimes really work in mysterious ways in the (blog-) world, don't they?!
Anyway, I enjoy your friend tom's blog as well and i do think, it's wonderful to have local events in it, many more people should do that, since it's always very interesting to see what cultural activities are happening off main stream. (I'm not too fond of censured art on main stream events. There's usually not too much artistic freedom, heart and soul in it!)
You should check out http://abenteuerskandinavien.blogspot.com/2009/04/interesting-links-interessante-links.html
If you read that closely you find... (no, not just half a billion typos as usually...!)you will find for one thing both you and Tom listed amongst others who i feel should know each other because I think they might enjoy each other's company, but you will also find that I have received yet another friendship-award which I decided to give to all the people who commented on the chiropractor-post, which hip-hip-hurray! is you as well, my dear! so you have to start all over again with the posting and trying to find someone to give that to...!!!
Anyway, there's no obligation to give that to anyone, I think, just do as you wish...
love, sarah sofia
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