Go Outside and Play!
“Go outside and play!” said God.
“I have given you Universes
as fields to run free in!
And here—take this and wrap yourself in it—It’s called:
and It will always, always keep you warm.
And stars! The sun and the moon and the stars!
Look upon these often, for they will remind you
of your own light!
And eyes…oh, gaze into the eyes of every Lover.
Gaze into the eyes of every other
for they have given you their Universes
as fields to run free in.
I have given you everything you need.
Now go, go, go outside and play!”
‘Go Outside and Play’ © 2007 Em Claire
or anyone else who may know...what do you think? Purple Finch? or no?
Looks like a purple Finch from my book, but it could be a House Finch which according to the book is very close in appearance. It looks like your bird may have some brown on the top of the head and markings behind the eye which looks like the House Finch, but it looks a lot like a female purple Finch otherwise. No expert here as you know. I have a pretty good book from 1980.
Well, I have looked at some other pics I took and yeah, its a House Finch...schucks!
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