Bloggers will unite in a global cry for peace in this annual event. One day. One voice. All it takes is one post. Won't you join us?
BlogBlast For Peace is an online community of international bloggers who "blog for peace". The first BlogBlast For Peace was held November 7, 2006. The peace globe posts spread from blog to blog to blog and became an online annual movement with thousands now participating. There are currently 50 countries involved in the project. People from all walks of life, all political and religious affiliations and beliefs lay aside their differences for one day.
It is inspirational. It is empowering. It is moving.
With respect for diversity and individual expression, peace bloggers embrace the essence of community. It has truly become a "revolution of words."
Dona nobis pacem - Latin for "grant us peace" - is displayed on peace globes available on the event coordinator's blog. Bloggers from all over the world write inspiring posts on the subject of peace, all titled with the Latin phrase, and display the globe graphic. BlogBlast For Peace is a way to get involved, a way to have a voice, an opportunity to speak out. If you would like to share in the vision for global peace, please join us. Fly a peace globe, write a post, learn about your neighbor across the continent, on the other side of the world, or even next door. Around a global table of peacemakers....anything is possible.
Thirty-three official wars and conflicts plague our planet. It is time we stand together to promote the cause of peace. On November 4, 2010 we will speak with one voice, one subject, one day.
All it takes is one post.
If words are powerful....then this matters.
Please don't miss it.