Farrah Fawcet and her contributions to the experience of cancer has been shamefully overshadowed by the death of another celebrity who, in my mind, offered little to the world in comparison.
Farrah was a role model for every young woman when in Charlie's Angels.
We learned that women could do many things with their lives including the really tough jobs.
And let's face it, she was a beauty and I will admit to trying to copy her hair style, I am sure there are pics, just don't know where. I have chosen a more mature Farrah for this post. I so admired her courage, particularly when she was courageous enough to allow all phases of her illness and her fight to be recorded...in the hopes that it would help others. She will be missed. Condolences to her son, Redmond, whom she dearly loved with all her heart and to Ryan O'Neal and all who loved her. .